Архивы рубрики: Новости


Personalities of the region The ADAM University /BAFE celebrated the outstanding figures of science and culture from the Aksy district, which recently celebrated the 90th anniversary of its Foundation. The anniversary of the district was held as a review of


30.10.18 the ADAM University held a meeting on the development of e-learning with Prof. Rimondo Sepe of UNINETTUNO. The meeting was held within the framework of the ERASMUS+ LMPT project «Development of Bachelor, Master program for Full Time and Distance


On October 30, 2018 was held the annual championship of Adam University football for the challenge Cup, which was attended by 4 teams-gr.E-1-18, E-2-18, E-2-17 and 3rd year team. In a persistent duel has revealed two leaders – gr. E-1-18


      On October 27, 2018 students of Adam University/BAFE took part in the Autumn cross-country race, in which competed more than 40 teams from secondary schools, Colleges and Universities of Bishkek. Team of Adam University/BAFE is located in the middle


Head of information and methodical department of ADAM University Suerkulova Z., and engineer- programmer Shaidyldaev A. participate in training on e-learning at Uninettuno University(seehttps://www.uninettunouniversity.net/en/default.aspx) the project ERASMUS+ LMPT “Licence-Master professionnels en formation ouverte et à distance pour le développement du


18th-19th of October 2018 the rector of ADAM University Simrbard S. R. takes part in the First session of the Committee of the regional Asia-Pacific Convention on the recognition of qualifications in higher education, which is held in Seoul, Republic


ADAM University / BAFE has dedicated first-year students and awarded diplomas of higher education to its graduates. The celebrations were held on October 15 in the conference hall “Imperial” and at the same time were dedicated to the ” Year


On October 2,2018, 2nd and 3rd year students of ADAM University participated in the exhibition “International education”, where students had the opportunity to communicate directly with representatives of various universities of the world (Russia, USA, Canada, UK, Czech Republic, Switzerland,


3-4 October 2018, Rector of ADAM University, Sirmbard S. R. participated in seminar on “Role of Accreditation in assuring quality in higher education”. During the seminar, the issues of Accreditation as a tool to improve the quality of education and


Teachers of the program "Economics" of ADAM University Keshikbaeva G.A. and Ishembaeva Sh.K. took part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference on the topic: "Financial and economic education VS labor market: from recognition of learning outcomes to conjugation of