
Head of information and methodical department of ADAM University Suerkulova Z., and engineer-
programmer Shaidyldaev A. participate in training on e-learning at Uninettuno
University(seehttps://www.uninettunouniversity.net/en/default.aspx) the project ERASMUS+ LMPT
“Licence-Master professionnels en formation ouverte et à distance pour le développement du tourisme
durable en Chine, au Vietnam et au Kirghizstan” (see https://bafe.edu.kg/wp-content/lmpt/Home/Home/)
in Rome, Italy. The purpose of the visit is to discuss the e-learning platform, methodological approach to
distance learning, technical production of didactic materials of distance learning, specific methods of
evaluation of online learning, development and use of graphic and multimedia didactic materials and
exchange of experience in the implementation of the project. The training will last from 15 th – 19 th

Rome(LMPT) 2018