Архивы рубрики: Новости


On September 29,2018 on the gorge Kegety were held competitions in tourism technology, quiz on geography of Kyrgyzstan, contest tour.songs and wall Newspapers organized by the Programm of Management and Tourism of ADAM University . The competition was dedicated to


On 2 October 2018 students 2 and 3 courses of the “Economics” program of ADAM University /BAFE participated in the exhibition “International education”. Students had the opportunity to communicate directly with representatives of various universities of the world (Russia, USA,


Day of older people in the “October” cinema Student activists of ADAM University / Bishkek Academy of Finance and Economics took part in the event organized for the day of elderly people in the “October” cinema. University activists accompanied the


On September 29, 2018 on the gorge Kegety were held competitions in tourism technology, quiz on geography of Kyrgyzstan, contest tour.songs and wall Newspapers organized by the Programm of Management and Tourism of ADAM University . The competition was dedicated


On September 27, 2018 was held “Talking club” on the theme: “Music is a motivator in learning the English language” organized by the senior teacher of the Department of Humanitarian and fundamental disciplines Kasymova A. N. Teachers and students of


On September 24, 2018, ADAM University held a solemn event dedicated to the 29th anniversary of the adoption of the “Law on the State language”. The purpose of the event: education of youth feelings of love and respect for the


September 20, 2018 the head of the program “Management and Tourism” Akylbekova N.I. took part in the seminar “Development of Entrepreneurial Skills: New Challenges for Universities” organized by the National Erasmus + office in Kyrgyzstan.


On September 19, 2018, the Erasmus + LMPT project “Curriculum for Bachelor and Masters in Tourism Development in China, Vietnam and Kyrgyzstan” was held at  Adam University/ BAFE with the National Coordinator of the ERASMUS + office in Kyrgyzstan, Ms.


We want to share with the good news! Student of group LD 7 -17, Aigerim Esenbekova became a candidate for master of sports in chess. Congratulations! We wish you further success!


On September 15, 2018 1st year students group E-1-18 and E-2-18 of AdamUniversity/BAFE visited the memorial complex “Ata-Beit” and laid flowers at the monument to Chingiz Aitmatov. The event was held in celebration of the 90th anniversary of the great