Архивы рубрики: Новости


From October 27th to November 6th, 2015, the practical placement of Central Asia career center staff is taking place at the University of Alicante, Spain, within the TEMPUS UNIWORK project: “Strengthening Career Centres in Central Asia Higher Education Institutions to


On October 24, 2015, BAFE students led by acting associate professor of the “Management and Tourism» program M.K. Ryskulova took an active part in the citywide festival “Eco-bashtyk” at the Kyrgyz National Museum of Fine Arts named after G. Aytiev.


Today, October 24, 2015 the Bishkek Academy of Finance and Economics and Guangxi Normal University, People’s Republic of China signed a Memorandum of Understanding. The China’s delegation was led by the Director of the President’s office of Guangxi Normal University,


On October 15, 2015, BAFE students carried out training on “First aid in case of natural disaster” for pupils of the school gymnasium №70. The purpose of this training was to inform them about occurring in the world and increasingly


On October 14, 2015, BAFE held a dedication of the first year students and awarding diplomas to the graduates 2015. Gala evening took place in “Amphitheater” hall of “Dostuk” hotel and began, according to tradition, with welcoming speech of leading


Guest lecture of Alexey Kokorin took place in BAFE on October 14, 2015. Alexey Olegovich Kokorin is the Russian Climate Programme coordinator of World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF Russia), member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which in 2007


On October 12, 2015, BAFE first year students led by docent M. Ryskulova organized an exhibition “Transform waste into revenues!” The aim of the exhibition is to attract students’ attention to the cleanliness of the environment, improvement of ecological culture


Dear colleagues! We invite you to participate in the VII Youth Economic Forum “New economy-new opportunities”, which will be held in Petrozavodsk (Russia) 12-14 November 2015. The main organizer of the Forum is the Institute of Economics of the Karelian


On September 29, 2015 in Khujand Polytechnic Institute of Tajik Technological University started the fourth (final) training module within the framework of UNIWORK project. The topic of the training is “Career Centers and students: training in vocational training and internships.”


On 23 September 2015, the BAFE Vice Rector for Education and Science Marina Dzhumabayeva took part in the 23rd CEEMAN Annual Conference which took place on 23-26 September 2015 in Almaty, Kazakhstan, hosted by the Almaty Management University. The conference