Архивы рубрики: Новости


November 21, 2015 Rector of BAFE. assoc.proff. Sirmbard S.R. conducted training for staff and teachers on topic “Effective methods of assessment of learning outcomes”. During the training were discussed the mechanisms of evaluation, modern approaches to evaluation and assessment tools.


Today BAFE has spent a festive event dedicated to the International Day of Students on November 17, 2015. The initiators of the event were guys from the Student Government. Vice-rector on students support, PhD, Assoc., Egemberdiev Sh. E., opened student


The European Commission expert, Mr Stephen Hagen has visited BAFE on November 17, 2015. He conducted an interview with the working group participated in IV TEMPUS  projects to study the results of the projects and their impact on the internationalization


Attention! All interested parties!   BAFE PhD students and graduates of all directions and who wish to participate are invited to public lectures, which will take place on 19th and 26th of November, 2015, at 18:30 aud.111 Public lecture on


The IV Students Round table on the topic “Problems of biodiversity conservation in Kyrgyzstan” will take place at the Bishkek academy of finance and economics on November 27, 2015. The goal of the round table is formation of an active


Today, November 13th, 2015, Isabela Leao has conducted a guest lecture for BAFE students. She is an employment and labour specialist in the World Bank in Kyrgyzstan, and specializes in the field of agriculture and global food industry. Topic of


For attention to all interested parties! PhD, master and bachelor program’s students of BAFE and wishing to participate are invited to the open lecture, which will be hold 19 and 26th of November 2015 at 6:30 pm in room #111


PhD, master and bachelor program’s students of BAFE are invited to an open lecture of agricultural development specialist of the World Bank, whose office is based in Washington, United States, Mr. Izabela Leao on the theme: “Youth employment in the


At the University of Alicante, Spain, the practical placement of Central Asia career center staff took place from October 27 to November 6, 2015, within the TEMPUS UNIWORK project: “Strengthening Career Centres in Central Asia Higher Education Institutions to empower


On 2nd November, 2015, BAFE Vice Rector for Academic Affairs and Science, Ph.D. Assoc. Dzhumabaeva Marina Zaripbekovna took part in the fair “Study in Japan”, organized by the Kyrgyz-Japan Center for Human Development together with the Embassy of Japan in