Архивы рубрики: Новости


A guest lecture from International Student Organization AIESEC in Kyrgyzstan “Internship, as a first step towards employment. Problems and Prospects” was held for BAFE students, on 29 February 2016. AIESEC internship objectives are: provide students with international work experience in


On 26 February, at Bishkek Academy of Finance and Economics in a solemn ceremony Dr. Thomas Kunze was awarded an Honorary Professorship from BAFE. Thomas Kunze is a Regional authorized representative of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Central Asia.


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Round table discussion on “Prospects for the development of tourism in Kyrgyzstan” was held in BAFE on 25 February, 2016. The Tourism Program’s 2nd and 3rd year students of the College of Economics and Finance (CEF) were invited to the


Development Policy Institute with the financial support of the project “Voice of citizens and accountability of LSG: the budget process” financed by the Swiss Government, together with the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic, Union of Banks of Kyrgyzstan, Foundation


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Dear colleagues, PhD students, master students and bachelor degree students of 3rd, 4th course! Our partner – Turar Ryskulov New Economic University (Almaty, Kazakhstan) invites you to take participation at The International Week “Intercultural Co-creation: Bridges between Countries”, which will


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On February 11, at Bishkek Academy of Finance and Economics, in a solemn ceremony the Progressive Initiatives Fund Premium “Akyl Tirek” (“the ideological breakout”) was awarded to Mr. Shamil Esenzhanovich Atakhanov – the founder of BAFE,


Attention!!! BAFE 2nd and 3rd year students !!!     The selection of the year 3-month internship in Girne American University, North Cyprus is announced! Requirements to the candidates: - Good academic progress; - Knowledge of English language (knowledge of