Архивы рубрики: Новости


Today, February 21, 2018, at ADAM University/BAFE was held a training on “Employment: how to write a CV correctly and how to successfully pass an interview”. The coach was a graduate of ADAM University/BAFE and Pavia University (Italy) in the


February 20, 2018 in ISITO hosted the Olympiad among students of Bishkek, dedicated to the International day of Mother tongue, which is celebrated around the world on February 21. The Olympiad was organized by ISITO jointly with the National Commission


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ROUND TABLE on the topic: Quality assurance of educational programs February 15, 2018 in the conference hall of the Ministry of education and science of the Kyrgyz Republic, Adam University (Bishkek Academy of Finance and Economics) with the support of


Today, February 13, 2010 in room #101 was a quiz in mathematics “Happy accident”. The competition was attended by students of groups: E1-17 and E2-17. Purpose of action: - to develop creative abilities of students; - to expand knowledge on


To attention of students, undergraduates and PhD students of ADAM University/BAFE! Applications now open for scholarship programs from the government of Latvia! You have a great opportunity to get an education in the leading universities of Latvia within 1 semester,


To attenton of studtents and undtergrrgaduattes of ADAM U nivtergsitn! Ftebrguargn 21, 2018 in 101 rgoom. at 10:00 thtergte will bte a trgaininr on “Emplonmtent: how to wrgitte a rgtesumte corgrgtectln and how to succtessfulln pass an inttergvitew”. Thte trgainterg


February 7, 2018, the program “Management and tourism” held an essay contest “Descendants of nomads” among University students. The purpose of the essay contest is the formaton of civil identty through understanding the history and natonal cultural values of nomadic


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Congratulatons to the student of group T-4-15, Kulova Deniz with the assignment of scholarship to study at the University of South East Norway for one semester in the fall of 2018! Also we congratulate the students of groups E-1-15 and