Архивы рубрики: Новости


03/25/19 at ADAM University within the framework of the Erasmus + LMPT project “Development of Baccalaureate and Master's Programs in Sustainable Tourism in open Education in China, Vietnam and Kyrgyzstan” a guest lecture about sustainable tourism is given by professor


Teachers and students of the Adam University celebrated Nooruz! At the event sounded beautiful songs and dances and congratulatory speeches. Celebrating Nooruz as a big family has become our tradition. At the end of the celebration, talented students were awarded


Dear teachers, PhD and master students! We invite to 12th of March at the Adam University/BAFE at the address: Bishkek, Boulevard of Young Guard 55, to take part in the round table “Social entrepreneurship: accounting and analytical aspects and practical


21-February – international mother language day On February 27, at the Adam University/ BAFE in 307 audience held an event dedicated to the international day of the native language. The purpose of the event is to get acquainted with the


We congratulate our students: 1.Abdykadyrova M. 2.Musaeva S. 3.Rubtsova V. with a worthy victory on February 26, at the Olympics in Economics “Be the Creator of the economy of success” in honor of the 65th anniversary of KSTU named after


The first day of externship at the Adam University. We welcome our students from Georgia Mariami Kikvadze, Iulia Kurigian, Irakli Gorgiladze to Kyrgyzstan. Within one month, they will pass pre-diploma practice on the project “Sustainable tourism: rural entrepreneurship and cultural


On February 28, 2019, within the framework of Erasmus+ LMPT project "Development of bachelor’s and master’s programmes in sustainable tourism in open education in China, Vietnam and Kyrgyzstan" was held remote training of expert Alessandro Kaforio from the University of


On February 27 ing. programmer ADAM University Shaidyldaev Altynbek takes part in the training on developing and managing massive open online courses (MOOC) for schools of Kyrgyzstan organized by the National office of Erasmus+ programme. The training is conducted by


26 th – 27 th of February 2019, head of Educational Department Suerkulova N. T. takes part in the final conference on the project ERASMUS+ "European dimension of qualifications for the tourism sector" in the Baltic international Academy, Riga (Latvia).


* General information on bachelor’s and master’s degrees, as well as on the status of permits and / or accreditations; * Item on the opening of centres of excellence; * Presentation of dissemination activities and planned activities; * Updated information