Архивы рубрики: Новости


26.04.2019 after the conference came one of the pleasant moments of life of our University – the presentation of diplomas to our employees for a long and fruitful work in the field of higher education: 1) A letter of thanks 


04/26/2019 Adam University held the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Internationalization of Universities: Challenges and Prospects”, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the university in the Hyatt Regency Bishkek.


On April 4, 2019 senior lecturer of Humanities Department and fundamental disciplines Kasymova A. N. and the teacher Osmonkulova S. Zh. participated in the training entitled “Formation of skills and critical thinking in the classroom on the methodology of teaching


On April 3, 2019 Head of the Department of Humanities and Fundamental Disciplines Associate professor Abdykadyrova M.B. and senior teacher Kubatbekova Sh.K. took part in the work of the scientific-practical conference “Methodology and technology of teaching the state language in


On April 1, 2019, mathematics quiz “Own game” was held in 101 auditorium at Adam University / BAFE. The event was organized by the senior teacher of the Humanitarian and Fundamental Department Varshakidze A.N. The quiz was attended by students


At the first Forum of Kyrgyzstan and Russia rectors, which took place on 27.03.2009, rector of  ADAM University S. R Sirmbard and rector of  Russian University, Chairman of the Board Association of Russia private universities V. A. Zernov signed an


On March 27, 2019, was held the first universities rectors meeting of the Russian Federation and the Kyrgyz Republic “Development of science and education – investment in the future”. The rectors of Kyrgyzstan and Russia universities moderated the most important


Dear Colleagues! We invite you to take part in the work of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Internationalization of Universities: Challenges and Prospects” ADAM University / Bishkek Academy of Finance and Economics with the participation of the Ministry of


Today is 03/26/2019 prof. from UNIVERSIDADE PORTUGALENSE Jorge Marques met with ADAM University’s professors and shared his experience. The training was held in the framework of the Erasmus + LMPT project “ Licence, Master professionnels en formation ouverte et à


On March 25, 2019 was held a webinar within the framework of the Erasmus + LMPT project “Development of Bachelor and Master Programs in Sustainable Tourism in Open Education in China, Vietnam and Kyrgyzstan,” at which video lectures and presentation