Архивы рубрики: Новости


HOW TO PROTECT YOURSELF Students of Medical Faculty of ADAM University created a video for you. To Protect yourself you must to follow the rules: - Avoid shaking hands - Wash and sanitize your hands properly - Don’t touch your


ADAM University provided support to Tokmok Territorial Hospital. In difficult times for the whole world and for Kyrgyzstan in particular, ADAM University sees its responsibility in helping to combat COVID-19. In addition to the previously sent financial assistance in the


Free online accounting cources ADAM University provides opportunity to attend free online cource “Financial aspects of the security of educational institutions. 1C: Company. Accounting” Course “Financial aspects of the security of educational institutions. 1C: Company. Accounting” started on March 30. 23 participants including


To effective educational process students and teachers have access to e-library. The link: https://biblioteka.bafe.edu.kg/ You also can go to the page of e-library through Moodle platform or our official website https://bafe.edu.kg/ #ADAMUniversity #BAFE #elibrary #distanceeducation


Not only teachers and students work online, but the whole administration of ADAMUniversity. Rector, vice-rectors, educational department, Heads of Medical Faculty and other programs, Informational, HR, International departments and Career Center had online meeting today. All the most important questions


Dear students and teachers! We care about you all and remind you about the rules during quarantine. Fines: For going out without the reason: ▪️3000 soms for individuals and 13000 soms for legal entities For going out after 20:00 ▪️3000


Rector of ADAM University Sirmbard S.R. took part in online-conference organized by Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic. The following questions were discussed during online meeting: -high-quality organization of the educational process using distance learning technologies in


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