Архивы рубрики: Новости


Students of E-1-14 and E-2-14 groups led by Professor Mambetakunov U.E visited the company “Coca-Cola Bishkek Bottlers”, to be acquainted with activities of the enterprise. During the visit Aizhana Djumalieva, Head of Poblic Affairs & Communications made a presentation about


Turdumambetova E.D, the chief- specialist of educational center of Ministry of Finance,Associate professor, Doctor of Economcs has talked about activity of Ministry of Finance and conducted a master-class for the schoolchildren on writing modern resume and the secrets of successful


Second training module on  ”Tools for engagement through Сareer Сentres” in the framework of UNIWORK project was conducted at Kokshetau State University named after Sh.Ualihanov on 15-17th of March, in Sanatorium Okzhetpes, Burabay region, Kazakhstan. Training was provided by representatives


Second training module on  ”Tools for engagement through Сareer Сentres” in the framework of UNIWORK project was conducted at Kokshetau State University named after Sh.Ualihanov on 15-17th of March, in Kazakhstan. Trainers from European universities (Spain, Austria and England) shared


Seminar “The choice of future profession” Bishkek academy of Finance and Economics with the assistance of the City Department of Education under the City Hall of Bishkek held a first meeting with high school graduates with recognized experts in the


Seminar “The choice of future profession” Bishkek academy of Finance and Economics with the assistance of the City Department of Education under the City Hall of Bishkek opened a series of meetings with high school graduates with recognized experts in


On 10th was held at BAFE. Students and Teachers (Lecturers) of BAFE, KEU and Academy of Tourism.  The main aim of round table to create a discussion platform for the discussion of actual problems  and perspectives of using information technologies


The signing of a cooperation agreement March 10, 2015 a cooperation agreement with BAFE and City Department of Education under the Bishkek City Hall. Marina Dzhumabaeva, Vice rector on educational and scientific work of BAFE and Ulanbek Mambetakunov, executive secretary


For the attention of students! (2-4 courses) The call for the autumn semester (2015) to Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Finland is open! In the framework of bilateral agreements with the Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK), you have a


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