Архивы рубрики: Новости


A coordination meeting for the project implementation of quality management in eLearning at universities in Central Asia (QAMEL) was held on the basis of the Issyk-Kul State University on September 7, 2015, where the head of the eLearning Center has


Today, September 1, 2015 a solemn line devoted to the Day of Knowledge was held in BAFE. Associate Professor, Rector Svetlana Sirmbard delivered a congratulatory speech to students and professorial teaching staff. In her congratulatory speech, she wished all the


Dear students and graduates of BAFE, TalSU and OshTU!!! Due to what, the announced earlier creative competition on creation of a logo of the First National Forum of employment of youth and business coincided on time with vacation of students, we prolong the


On August 27, 2015 in Almaty University of Management (AlmaU) the final conference of the project EU eINTERASIA was held. The content of the project INTERASIA – transfer of EU innovative IT-solutions, knowledge and technologies in the countries of Central


On August 25, 2015 in the media center “Russia”, Bishkek Academy of Finance and Economics jointly with the Support Fund of scientific research “Workshop of Eurasian ideas” (Saratov, Russia), Eurasian International Studies Association (Astana, Kazakhstan) held a round table discussion


Results of the first call of the program ERASMUS + Capacity building in higher education in 2015 are published! A multi-regional project in the consortium of universities, ministries of education and institutions of the tourist industry of Russia and Kyrgyzstan


Attention students, undergraduates, doctoral students! From 18 to 21 September 2015 The First International Youth Forum “Smart Gold of Eurasia” will be held in the geographical center of Asia – city of Kyzyl, Tuva Republic. PURPOSE OF THE FORUM Involving


Dear applicants! In connection with the celebration of Orozo Ait according to the order of the Ministry Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic application deadline recommended for enrollment in the second round outcome is postponed from July 17 to


Congratulations to the BAFE students – Nurlan Turatbekov and Angelica Limareva with a scholarship from the fund named after Adenauer Konrada! We wish the guys success, an excellent learning and achieve new heights!!! Proud of you, well done!


On July 10, 2015 the Bishkek Academy of Finance and Economics with the support of  Fund named after Konrad Adenauer held a round table on the topic “Promotion of a culture of quality in higher education of Kyrgyzstan: the content