Архивы рубрики: Новости


Thank you so much our students, who have become for us true “Santa Claus” and “The Snow Maiden” for the pre-holiday Christmas mood! Decorations made by your hands delight the eye and create a unique atmosphere of the New Year


On December 18, 2015, BAFE held an event dedicated to the “Christmas” holiday. BAFE students, rector, teachers of the Department of humanities disciplines participated at the event. BAFE rector Svetlana Sirmbard, vice-rectors Marina Dzhumabaeva and Sheraly Egemberdiev congratulated students. Arstanbek


Attention! BAFE graduates and undergraduates!!! Our project partner TuCAHEA is inviting to participate in the ERASMUS MUNDUS scholarship student exchange program!!! Deadline till 9:00 am January 4, 2016. On-line application form and more information are available on the website: https://www.euroculturemaster.eu


Dear colleagues, BAFE doctoral students, undergraduates! Center for Institutional Research, National Research University “Higher School of Economics” (Moscow, Russia) announces a contest of articles for the annual event organized by Russian Summer School on Institutional Analysis 2016 (RSSIA 2016), which

On December 12, 2015, the Bishkek academy of Finance and Economics together with “BIOM” environmental movement held a round table on the preparation for independent accreditation among universities of Kyrgyzstan. Raimundas Kolesnikas, expert from Lithuania, told about the requirements for


On December 4, 2015, BAFE Vice Rector for Academic Affairs and Science, Ph.D. Assoc. Dzhumabaeva Marina Zaripbekovna has participated in a round table on the topic “Information about the state order for training of state and municipal employees of the


The 3rd training on the topic “SMM in business” within the framework of the contest for the creation of business plans has been held by Shirin Dubanayeva, a specialist on communications and PR-management on December 3, 2015 in BAFE. She


Second training on the topic “How to register a business” within the framework of the contest for the creation of a business plan took place in BAFE, on December 2, 2015. Asel Mukambetova, director of “Case” legal company told the


Regular visits on professional orientation work in schools of Chui region are continuing. BAFE teaching staff professor C.E.Mambetakunov, senior teachers G.K. Nagaeva, E.A. Neevina, U. Mavlyanov, Information methodical department engineers E. Tashmatova, K. Rakhimov and a student of group E-1-13


Dear students! Register for participation in a global action “Hour of code.” From December 7 to December 13, 2015, millions of people (children and adults) all round the world will dedicate a one hour to learn programming. The goal of