Архивы рубрики: Новости


23.04.2018 the head of the “Management and tourism” program of ADAM University/BAFE Akylbekova N. and a senior teacher. Neevina E. A. held a scientific-methodical seminar for the teaching staff and professors. The seminar was held within ERASMUS+ LMPT N °


Rector of the Adam University / BAFE Sirmbard S.R. and project manager Kutanov A. from March 16 -20, 2018 take part in the second interregional coordination meeting on the project ERASMUS + LMPT N ° 573897-EPP-1-2016-1-BG-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP “Professional Bachelor in open


April 14, 2018 at the Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture named after N.Isanov (KSUCTA) was the IV Fair of Universities of Kyrgyzstan with the participation of 25 universities, more than 10 youth organizations and 10 educational centers


Today 14.04.2018. ECO forum “TOO Tokoi” was held, at which the students of the direction “Management and Tourism” took part under the direction of associated professor Ryskulova M.K .. The forum was addressed by the Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz


The rector of ADAM University/ BAFE and the head of the educational department N. Suerkulova from April 11-12, 2018 took part in the seminar “Modern approaches to the organization of distance learning” organized within the framework of the project “European


On April 10,2018 at the University Adam in Kyrgyzstan ” I am abroad” talking club was held, where students who visited abroad share with their impressions with the other students and teachers.Madymarova Aidana made an interesting presentation about Norway.All the


March 31, 2018 the Kyrgyz State Law Academy held an intellectual competition in informatics and in English language among students of higher educational institutions and colleges of the Kyrgyz Republic. Our students also took an active part in it and


March 30, 2018 in the Bishkek Financial and Economic College held a festive event, organized by the program “Economics”, dedicated to the Day of Accountants and Auditors of the Kyrgyz Republic. In the festive concert took part students of the


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The head and the senior teacher of the program “Management and Tourism”, Akylbekova N.I. and Neevina E.A. from March 18 to March 31, 2018 took part in the training workshop on ERASMUS + LMPT N ° 573897-EPP-1-2016-1-BG-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP “Professional Bachelor in