21-February – international mother language day
On February 27, at the Adam University/ BAFE in 307 audience held an event dedicated to the international day of the native language. The purpose of the event is to get acquainted with the linguistic and cultural traditions of the peoples of the world. Preservation and protection of endangered languages, promotion of linguistic and cultural diversity. The problem of endangered languages is very relevant today. After all, the world is now in every month disappears about two languages.
Our students prepared poems, wall Newspapers, presentations and songs in Kyrgyz, Russian, English and Turkish. 2nd year students of groups E-1-17 and E-2-17 prepared interesting facts about languages on the topic “Do you know!”. Students learned a lot of information about languages and the history of this holiday.
The event was attended by Vice-rector for educational work prof. Egemberdiev SH. E. and programme managers. The event was organized by the teachers of DHFS and students of the 1st and 2nd courses of the direction ” Economics».