On September 29,2018 on the gorge Kegety were held competitions in tourism technology, quiz on
geography of Kyrgyzstan, contest tour.songs and wall Newspapers organized by the Programm of
Management and Tourism of ADAM University . The competition was dedicated to the "world Tourism
day". Participated 5 teams of 5 people in the team and fans who supported their groupmates. First place
went to gr.T 5-16, the team were only girls, but despite this, they showed the best time in the tourism
industry, they were also awarded the challenge Cup in tourism. The second place was taken by the team
gr.TUB-18. Third place went to gr.T4-17. In custody fought captains teams and again has excelled gr.T 5-
16. The competition was held at a high level. For 1,2,3 place and competition captains were awarded
prizes. Students took a walk to the waterfall and the gorge.