To attenton of studtents and undtergrrgaduattes of ADAM U nivtergsitn!
Ftebrguargn 21, 2018 in 101 rgoom. at 10:00 thtergte will bte a trgaininr on “Emplonmtent: how to wrgitte a rgtesumte
corgrgtectln and how to succtessfulln pass an inttergvitew”.
Thte trgainterg will bte a rrgaduatte of ADAM U nivtergsitn and a rrgaduatte of thte U nivtergsitn of Pavia (Italn) in thte
dirgtecton of “Inttergnatonal busintess and Economics”, aargipova Elvirga.
Thte trgaininr prgorrgam will prgovidte pargtcipants with inforgmaton on thte rgultes of drgawinr up a succtessful
CV and wrgitnr covterg ltettergs (rgtecommtendaton, motvaton, tetc.), as wtell as will considterg imporgtant
asptects of prgtepargaton forg thte inttergvitew.
Spacte is limitted, thte tentrgn in thte Inttergnatonal Dtepargtmtent (3 foorg, rgoom #309), ttel.: +996 312 39 22 78