26-27 of October, 2016 in the “IMPERIAL” Conference Hall hosted the International Conference “Bridging the gap between universities and the labour market to improve graduates’ employability” in the framework of the project TEMPUS UNIWORK 544126-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-ES-TEMPUS JPHES “Strengthening Career Centres in Central Asia Higher Education Institutions to empower graduates in obtaining and creating quality employment”, a project funded by the European Commission under the Tempus Programme. UNIWORK project contributes to sustainable socio-economic development of Central Asian countries through the enhancement of the capacity of higher education institutions in contributing effectively to the employment of graduates and enhance a culture of entrepreneurship among students in accordance with the principles and priorities of the Bologna countries of the Tempus Programme. ADAM University/Bishkek Academy of Finance and Economics made the organizer of the Conference. The Conference was attended by representatives of the ministries of education, Labour ministries, chambers of Commerce and industry, Career Centres in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Spain, Austria and the UK, as well as local and regional representatives of public and private organizations.
In discussions during presentations and roundtable discussions, participants discussed the role of universities in General and career centers in particular, in improving the employability of graduates, it was emphasized that universities should serve as a bridge for the main actors in the labour market. During the International Conference of representatives of the universities-partners were presented the main achievements and results of the project UNIWORK.
According to the results of the above discussion, the participants of the Conference emphasized the importance of Career Centres collaboration of universities in partner countries, and to strengthen their interactions had signed an agreement of intent on cooperation and interaction among Career Centers of the Central Asian region.
Uniwork 28.10.16
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