Attention!!! Graduates and 2 nd, 3 rd year students !!! Konrad Adenauer Foundation announces a competition for Sur – Place scholarships. Priority disciplines are economics, finance, and management. The scholarship is awarded for a period of 6 months in the case of the good achievements of exhibitioner and can be extended for another 6 months.
The competition will be held in two stages.
1) Verification of documents for compliance with the formal requirements, the preliminary selection of candidates.
2) Interview, on results of which a scholarship will be awarded.
Deadline for submission of documents: 10 February 2016
Required documents:
* Completed scholarship applicant profile, which includes his/her photograph (download on http://www.kas.de/zentralasien/ru/pages/3461/ );
* Detailed CV in table form;
* Justification Letter outlining the objectives and plans of study on the application of acquired knowledge in the future professional work (max 2 pages.);
* A copy of the secondary education certificate with the translation into German / English language;
* A copy of the test book with the translation into German / English language;
* Recommendations from 2 teachers of the university in German / English language with their contact telephone number and / or email address, which provide an assessment of the participation of the applicant for scholarship in the academic, political, or social activities;
* Reference from the educational institution (original);
For more questions please contact External Relations Department, office 309
Tel.: +996 312 39 22 78