On 25.11.2014 was held a student conference on “Russian language and Culture of Speech” was held at our academy. All the 2-year bachelor students and teachers of BAFE participated in this conference.
The conference expert committee:
- Bootaeva B.L.
- Ashmarina E.V
- Abdykadyrova M.B
- Ermek uulu Beksultan
The students made a speech about Logic, Ethics and Aesthetics of speech, Business Talks, Oratorical speech, Culture of verbal communication, Non verbal communication, Terms of preparation a business letter etc. at the conference:
Audience Award was given to Ismailova Sabina as the best speaker.
I –place Janybekova Eleonora .
II- place Sulimov David
III- place Abdybek uulu Daniyar
We should note the relevance, the practical importance, the quality of presentation material, accuracy, wealth, liveliness, harmony voice acting of students.
25.11.2014 Русский язык и культура речи
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On our opinion, these conferences will help our students in their further life.