Report of Guest Lecture for the 3rd – 4th year students of BAFE on: “Problems and Prospects ” with the participation of retired colonel of Features of the Customs Service of the Kyrgyz Republic:Kyrgyzstan’s Custom Service Mr.Sabirov M.N.
14.11.2014 Mr. Sabirov Mederbek, former chief of Osh Custom Service and FEZ “Bishkek” customs was invited by the program “Management and Tourism”,to held a guest lecture as part of the thematic guest lectures for the bachelor BAFE
He told about the features of Custom Service activity, particularly in Kyrgyzstan; a brief formation history of the Kyrgyz customs and its progress over the years of independence of the Kyrgyz Republic, described the existing problems in the activities of the Customs Service and the prospects in the context of the accession of the Kyrgyz Republic to the Customs Union and the Eurasian Economic Community.
The students showed a keen interest to the report and asked a lot of questions, to Mr. Sabirov M. He replied, giving examples from his own experience and the experience of economically developed and advanced foreign countries and compared it with the CIS countries.
There were many questions about the Kyrgyz Republic integration with Customs Union and the Eurasian Economic Community, as well as the forms and methods of customs control and customs service interaction between the other state bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic and customs of neighboring countries.By the end, Mr. Sabirov M. wished success for BAFE Students in their studies and future professional activities, and underlined the importance and the need for new literate and competent professionals and economists for the successful development and prosperity of the Kyrgyz Republic, what, in his
opinion, that would be graduates of BAFE.
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“Management and Tourism” program.