#ADAMUniversity held an online discussion on the topic “Online Business and Network Partnership in Loyal Consumption Systems” in collaboration with Perm institute (branch) of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics. (PRUE)This topic is most relevant at the present time due to the economic situation in the world and the transition of all areas of activity to the online space. Vyshenskii Mikhail Yurievich (Associate Professor, Department of Management and Law of Perm institute (branch) of PRUE) made a presentation on the topic of business and its relevance and network partnership in loyal consumption systems in the current situation. On behalf of the university Batyrkanova Gulnara Zheenbekovna (Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Vice-Rector for Research of ADAM University) presented the topic “Online business processes in the banking sector of the Kyrgyz Republic” and Akylbekova Nelly Ilyinichna (Head of the Program Management and Tourism of ADAM University) had a presentation of the topic “Digitalization as a platform for developing online business in the banking sector of the Kyrgyz Republic”.