On 25 October 2019 at 12 p.m. first Doctors of Philosophy in Economics was awarded with diplomas. In
accordance with the National Strategy for Sustainable Development of the Kyrgyz Republic in 2013, by
the Decree of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic were approved the Interim
State Requirements for Universities, realizing pilot doctoral programs (PhD) of postgraduate professional
In 2013 BAFE has started the realization of pilot educational programs for the degree of Doctor of
Philosophy (Ph.D) in the field of Economics and Management.
The above-mentioned PhD pilot programs have been launched at BAFE, IUK, KSUCA named after N.
Isanova, KNAU named after K.I.Skryabin, KNU named after J. Balasagyn (IIMOP) and KSTU named after
I. Razzakov. Subsequently, another university was included into the pilot program – the Academy of
Public Administration under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Holders of PhD in Economics degree are the following:
1 Turdaly Arman Nurzhanuly
The topic of scientific research: Innovative development of agriculture in the conditions of integration of
the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Scientific consultant: PhD in Economics, Professor Abdyrov Tolonbek Shakirovich
Chairman of the disciplinary board: PhD in Economics, Prof. Musakozhoev Shailoobek Musakozhoev
2 Yskak Nazira Pernebekkyzy
The topic of scientific research: Problems and prospects for the development of agriculture.
Scientific consultant: Doctor of Economics, prof. Ishenov Beishenbek Chonmurunovich
Chairman of the disciplinary board: PhD in Economics, Prof. Musakozhoev Shaylobek Musakojoevich
3 Alpenova Bayan Asanovna
The topic of scientific research: Improving the theoretical and organizational-methodological aspects of
tax calculations for tax purposes.
Scientific consultant: Doctor of Economics, prof. Suranaev Turatbek Zhamalbekovich
Chairman of the disciplinary board: Doctor of Economics, prof. Israilov Mukash Israilovich
4 Aitkhozhina Alia Eleusizovna
The topic of scientific research: Modern problems of analysis, evaluation and modeling.
Scientific consultant: Doctor of Economics, prof. Arzybaev Atabek Alibekovich
Chairman of the disciplinary board: Doctor of Economics, prof. Israilov Mukash Israilovich
5 Turdaly Zhuldyz Nurzhankyzy
The topic of scientific research: Tax administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan in modern conditions
of economic development: theory and practice.
Scientific consultant: Doctor of Economics, prof. Dzholdosheva Tamara Yuldashevna
Chairman of the disciplinary board: Doctor of Economics, prof. Israilov Mukash Israilovich
6 Ashimbaev Tolendi Aripbaevich
The topic of scientific research: Current trends in the development of the financial market in the era of
Scientific Advisor: Doctor of Economics, Professor Sayakbaeva Ayganysh Apyshevna
Chairman of the disciplinary board: Doctor of Economics, prof. Israilov Mukash Israilovich
Congratulations to them on this solemn and significant event!