As we promised, on September 16-18, 2019 series of lectures by professors from the University of
Aristotle in the city of Soloniki, Greece are continuing on the following topic: Sustainable Tourism
Training Needs.
Adam University provides an opportunity to watch live broadcast on Facebook, for those who cannot
attend the lecture.
September 16, 2019
10:00 – 11:30 a.m. Prof. Georgis Doganis
1. Adventure Tourism, related concepts, historical tendencies, typologies, forms.
11:40 a.m. -13:00 p.m. Prof. Styliani Lefaki
1. General approach to a cultural tourism, definitions and aspects.
13:00 p.m.: 14:30 p.m. Prof. Eleni Papadopoulou
1. Tourism and politics development
2. Tourism in the European Policy framework
September 17, 2019
10:00– 11:30 a.m. Prof. Georgis Doganis
1. The adventure Tourist: Characteristics, motives. The concept of risk,
models. Wild life tourism.
11:40 a.m. -13:00 p.m. Prof. Styliani Lefaki
1. City landscape, Thessaloniki, Greece: History demands the public space back
13:00:14:30 p.m. Prof. Eleni Papadopoulou
1. Local Development through tourism related action
September 18, 2019
10:00 – 11:30 a.m. Prof. Georgis Doganis
1. The future of Adventure Tourism. Case studies).
11:40 a.m.-13:00 p.m. Prof. Styliani Lefaki
1. Time, Memory and Architecture: Restoring memory and creating a
city’s identity. The case of Berlin Germany)
13:00:14:30 p.m. Prof. Eleni Papadopoulou
1. Agro tourism in European programs and policies